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Qld Horse Council Emergency Response Plan

The Qld Horse Council has developed a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan to cover disease outbreaks of various kinds in all regions of Queensland. This plan has been developed to work alongside the EADRA plans. The plan is supported by 3 appendix documents. This plan is a live document and any input will be welcomed and considered.

Emergency Planning Tack Boxes

When it comes to extreme weather events in Queensland or the possibility of an emergency animal disease outbreak, it’s not so much a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. 

One of the QHC’s functions is to assist the horse industry to prepare for the unexpected.  When horse owners and event organisers are able to respond quickly and effectively to an emergency it reduces the impact and stress of the emergency itself and assists us to recover more rapidly.

Visit our Emergency Planning pages to find many tools and resources to assist you to be prepared.

Biosecurity Bill

The Biosecurity Bill 2013 was passed by Parliament on 6 March 2014. Click here for the latest info regarding the Bill.

Plants Poisonous to Horses

Another problem that the floods have brought to our door is the abundance of weeds. Properties inundated with flood water will find a multitude of plants that have washed in from other areas. Find out which ones are dangerous to your horse in the great RIRDC publication Plants Poisonous to Horses

Don’t Forget to Register your Property!!!!!!!!!!!

Registering any property that has horses on it is a legal requirement, so even if your horses are on agistment, you need to make sure that it is registered. It is vital all horse owners find out the property number of where their horses are and store it in a safe place. Registration is free, there are no charges, and it is also a requirement on all waybills. Read more on PIC’s

Road Safety is no accident!

Safety on the road encompasses a large range of issues from riding or driving your horse on the road, the transport of your horses in vehicles designed for them, to the education of drivers that have no knowledge of horses. As part of the horse community it is our job to behave responsibly and politely, to educate ourselves on correct procedures and the laws that govern safety, and also to pass on information to those outside the horse world on what is correct. The consequences to everybody when safety is ignored or not understood can be enormous. Whether mistakes are made through ignorance or arrogance matters very little when an avoidable tragedy has occurred.

Don’t Forget HOSS!

Be informed, be aware and sign up for HOSS – Horse Owners Signal System. All we need is your email address and the Council where your horse lives – it’s FREE!

Archived Documents
eQuiNEWS Other         
140304 eQuiNEWS
140202 eQuiNEWS
131224 eQuiNEWS
131212 eQuiNEWS
140409 Biosecurity Regulations Development Update - Mar 2014
140227 Biosecurity Regulations Development Update - Feb 2014
140206 Compulsory Code of Practice - Land Transport of Livestock
131217 An Update on Equivac HeV Duration of Immunity Challenge