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What We Do

  • Represent the Queensland Horse Industry as a united voice to Local, State and Federal Governments.
  • Promote education on all matters relating to the Horse Industry.
  • Act as a centre for collection and distribution of information in Queensland on any matters relating to the Horse Industry.
  • Maintain a watching brief with regard to the welfare of horses.
  • Represent allied businesses and service industries. 
We represent anybody who owns a horse.   Even if your horse is ridden for pleasure or retired, you will be supporting the industry in some way.

What have we already done?

  • Promoted and developed in partnership with Equine Emergency Rescue the Large Animal Rescue training for veterinarians, police, Biosecurity inspectors, Fire and Rescue, SES, RSPCA and horse owners.
  • Vigorously pursued the development of the Hendra Vaccine for horses culminating in the early release under permit in late 2012.
  • Worked with Government (State and Federal) to help our Industry recover from EI.
  • We have developed an Emergency Response Plan to establish response policies, systems and procedures to be enacted in any future disease emergency.  A Disaster Recovery Plan for recovery procedures and organised assistance after natural disasters.
  • Worked in partnership with the Queensland DAFF and kept Industry informed.
  • Worked with all stakeholders to achieve affordable insurance cover for horse related activities.
  • Developed the Horse Industry Code of Practice which is now legislation in Queensland.
  • Worked with all stakeholders to implement the HorseSafe accreditation scheme for horse related activities.

To join, download the membership form here - membership form

To contact us:

Email: click here
Phone: International: +61 490292328
Australia: 0490 292 328
Address: c/- 5 Pamplings Road,
Peak Crossing, QLD, 4306