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Emergency Planning
Emergency Planning - Horse Owner
Emergency Planning - Venue Operator/Event Organiser
QHC Emergency Response Plan
Large Animal Rescue
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Hendra Virus
Hendra Updates
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Horse Health & Infectious Diseases
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Emergency Planning - Horse Owner
How prepared are you to respond to an emergency?
Don't wait for a disaster to happen before you think about how you, your family and your animals are going to survive.
In times of crisis people worry not only about their family and property, but also about their pets and livestock. There are simple steps we can all take to prepare ourselves in advance of emergencies. The key to survival is forward planning and self reliance.
Being well prepared provides peace of mind and allows for a more effective response and better outcome when disaster strikes.
Queensland Horse Council
has put together a comprehensive tack box below of information to assist you to
make or review an existing
for your family and animals.
This comprehensive tack box contains an
Emergency Planning Workbook
and fact sheets about relevant issues to assist in completing the workbook.
Please take the time to do this with your family
, it has been shown time and time again that if you don't take the time to plan within 24 hours, the chances are very high that you won't do anything at all to prepare for possible emergencies.
All this takes is your time!
REMEMBER - If you own or care for horses in Queensland sign up to
, our very own, FREE, emergency contact database!!
Horse Owner Tack Box
QHC Emergency Planning Workbook
QHC Visitor Register
QHC Temperature Chart
Fact Sheets - Fire
Risk Management Plan - Before the Fire
Risk Management Plan - During the Fire
Risk Management Plan - After the Fire
Fact Sheets - Flood
Flood and your Horse
Flood and your Horse Property
Mud Management for Horse Operations
Fact Sheets - Disease
Biosecurity on your Property
Hendra virus
Hendra virus - Reducing the Risk
Hendra virus - Property Design
Bats and Trees
Horse Health and Infectious Diseases
fact sheets
Notifiable Diseases
fact sheets
Fact Sheets - Evacuation and Large Animal Rescue
Vehicle and Float Requirements
Towing - Driver Responsibilities
An introduction to Large Animal Rescue
Additional Information
Back to Basics; Biological Pasture Management Forage Trees and shrubs for horses
Plants Poisonous to Horses Australian Field Guide
(large file size 6.5MB)