The property was quarantined in June 2014 following the detection of the Hendra virus in a single horse.
All horses on the property have now been cleared, with final testing completed for five horses which had contact with the infected horse.
Staff from the Local Land Services, DPI and NSW Health had been working closely with the property owners.
The Murwillumbah property was first quarantined on 20 June when Hendra was confirmed in a 31 year old gelding which died on the property.
The remaining horses on the property were tested over three weeks before these quarantine measures were released.
There are now no NSW properties under quarantine for the Hendra virus in NSW.
This was the first Hendra case in NSW this year.
Last year Hendra was confirmed in four horses and a dog on four separate properties on the NSW mid north Coast – two properties near Macksville and two near Kempsey.
Horse owners should remain vigilant and continue to take steps to minimise exposure of their horses. Horse owners should talk with their private veterinarian about vaccinating their horse. Horses should be kept away from flowering and fruiting trees that are attractive to bats. Any fruit lying underneath trees should be picked up and disposed of before the horses are returned to the paddock. People are reminded to use good hygiene practices when handling horses.